Articles by Dave Huber
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Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues White progressive activist: new New College mascot like an ‘angry, threatening brown’ person
When you see racism in everything ...
Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Research Academics: ‘Flourishing forests’ of indigenous scientists can ‘transform’ and ‘decolonize’ science
Disciplines of Western science are 'a colonial construct within the global colonizing agenda.'
Analysis Crime Racial issues After campus cops vindicated, Stanford student paper again goes to anti-cop academics
'Campus policing is connected to broader carceral systems of policing.'
Analysis K-12 Education New Jersey bill would deny funding to schools if their libraries remove pornography
GOP rips Democrats over parents' legitimate concerns regarding age-appropriate materials.
Analysis Free Speech Political Correctness Adjunct who failed student for using term ‘biological women’ confirms story, plays the victim
Cried following publicity: 'It's a lot, right? It's a lot to handle.'