Articles by Greg Piper
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Free Speech Legal Political Correctness It mocked ‘safe spaces.’ The university defunded it. An appeals court just reinstated its lawsuit.
'Unusually compelling allegations that the government acted with discriminatory intent,' 9th Circuit says.
Feminism LGBTQ Political Correctness Portland State bans professor from research for getting ‘grievance studies’ hoaxes published
Boghossian failed to 'respond to prior guidance and instructions,' official says.
Bias Legal Sexual Assault Penn State retroactively redefined ‘consent’ after accused student won a new hearing: lawsuit
'Cajoling' prohibited after official questioned hearing panel's interpretation of consent policy.
Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Harvard faculty have ceded their power to intolerant, easily triggered bureaucrats
'It is uncertain whether Harvard will long retain its ability to offer a first-rate education.'
Bias Legal Sexual Assault University claims accused students love Title IX process with no cross-examination or hearing
Single-investigator proceedings are 'more accurate' because of the 'intimate interpersonal dynamic'?
Bias Racial issues Religion Immigrant student loses Miss World title because she refused to try on a hijab
'This is about an organization discriminating against people with different opinions,' Kathy Zhu says.