Articles by Greg Piper
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Higher Ed Bubble Legal Opinion Oberlin didn’t apologize to bakery for libel because president says that might offend students
It can afford to pay the reduced $25 million jury award, officials tell alumni.
Curriculum Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness It took down the flag after Trump’s election. It opposes ‘intense debate.’ Its freshman class is 15 students.
Pretends this fall is a fluke, plans to admit hundreds of applicants in 2020.
Legal Sexual Assault Sports A jury was set to hear this accused student’s story. Yale settled to avoid it.
Yale allegedly pressured reluctant accuser to make a formal complaint so it could expel Jack Montague.
Analysis Free Speech Political Correctness The reverse Jenga tower: How intersectionality is ruining liberal activism (BOOK REVIEW)
A philosophy that is 'almost hysterically opposed to building bridges' cannot succeed, new book argues.