Articles by Greg Piper
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Activism Legal Racial issues Black student activists demand Columbia fire law lecturer who prosecuted ‘Central Park Five’
'Columbia University has always been a site of anti-Black racism and violence.'
K-12 Education Legal Sexual Assault The jury ignored DNA evidence to send this high schooler to prison. He just graduated from law school.
Jeffrey Deskovic didn't stop after winning a multimillion-dollar judgment. He continues to exonerate those like him.
Bias Free Speech Legal Student government loses authority over club funding in order to settle viewpoint discrimination suit
College removes ban on 'similar' student groups, pays $20,000 in fees and costs.
Legal Sexual Assault Sports Michigan State ruined an innocent student’s life. He’s training to recover what it stole from him.
'He strapped himself to an iron sled and ran pulling it through the streets, cheered on by neighbors.'
Bias Free Speech Legal Rutgers requires its student newspaper to be popular if it wants funding. That’s unconstitutional.
Daily Targum loses all student fee funding after two-year conservative campaign to defund it.
Activism Climate Change Opinion Left-wing activists shut down Harvard’s president. Harvard didn’t even threaten to punish them.
Divestment has become the 'favorite tactic' of campus activists.