Articles by Greg Piper
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LGBTQ Political Correctness Researcher’s study on ‘rapid onset gender dysphoria’ was validated. Her university pretends it was discredited.
Cowardly administrators refuse to admit that her results didn't change in revision.
Bias Legal Sexual Assault Due-process group kicks off campaign to expose flaws of ‘Start by Believing’
Justice Department funds programs that violate 'long-established investigative ethical codes.'
Political Correctness Racial issues Mizzou fires white police officer for once dressing up like Flavor Flav
Black studies director criticizes university for expecting police to be 'perfect angels.'
Curriculum Free Speech Legal College faces jury trial for forcing conservative student to lobby for leftist causes
Will determine whether Rhode Island College had 'legitimate pedagogical concerns.'
Analysis Free Speech Racial issues University bans white professor from honors program for quoting black author
Augsburg's response has close parallels to behavior by Marquette that was struck down in court.
Free Speech K-12 Education Politics Arkansas expands First Amendment protections for students in state law
Required because Supreme Court unexpectedly endangered college journalists.