Articles by Greg Piper
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K-12 Education LGBTQ Political Correctness California wants to scrap student-fitness tests because they treat boys and girls as boys and girls
Is the state calling the Obama administration transphobic?
Abortion/Pro-life Bias Legal California State revises funding policies in $243,000 settlement with pro-life students
No more mandatory student fee funding for pro-choice centers.
Climate Change Opinion Political Correctness University president apologizes for saying he wouldn’t shoot black people
Student newspaper falsely characterizes his defense of minority rights.
Curriculum K-12 Education Racial issues It would take University of California nine years to replace SAT and ACT in admissions: task force
Report contradicts claims that standardized tests play 'major role' in disparities.
Activism Climate Change Legal Harvard Crimson urges student activists to break the law because they’ll get away with it
'Acknowledging privilege does not necessitate discounting the efforts of those who benefit from it.'
Activism Free Speech Politics Ohio bill would ban public universities from charging security fees based on viewpoint
What a surprise: The state ACLU and American Association of University Professors oppose it.