Articles by Greg Piper
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Higher Ed Bubble Legal Opinion Judge tells public university it can’t hide public records by putting its lawyer on every email
Ex-president idiotically argued she wasn't a public figure.
Feminism Political Correctness Racial issues Harvard faculty call off no-confidence vote: Don’t like ‘optics’ of opposing a black woman
Last time it happened, a white male was in charge.
Free Speech Legal Opinion UConn student sentenced to probation for violating unconstitutional ‘ridicule’ law
Profiles in cowardice by the judge and prosecutor.
Free Speech Opinion Politics College fires professor for making same joke as Christian satire website
It also punished pro-Trump students after 2016 election.
Free Speech Opinion Political Correctness Public university’s sexual harassment policy could ban famous Farrah Fawcett poster
Does not require a 'pattern' of conduct that meets legal definition of harassment.