Articles by Jennifer Kabbany
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Higher Ed Bubble LGBTQ Politics U. Tennessee forced by lawmakers to shut down campus diversity office
Over-the-top political correctness too much for state lawmakers.
Activism Free Speech Political Correctness After national outrage, college rehires Lt. Gen. who criticized transgender-friendly bathrooms
'There is strength in unified numbers.'
Free Speech Legal Cal State LA allowed rowdy, aggressive students to shut down conservative speaker, lawsuit claims
'Students have a Constitutionally protected right to engage in free speech that school administrators don’t like.'
Activism Anti-Semitism Free Speech Student protesters disrupt pro-Israel event — exit paths blocked, people ‘feared for their safety’
Chanted 'Long live the intifada.'
Opinion Religion Christian professor on Vanderbilt’s recent tragedies: ‘Darkness flourishes where there is no light’
Professor: Darkness flourishes at Vanderbilt University
Activism Free Speech Racial issues Campus #BlackLivesMatter tears down #BlueLivesMatter display on same day 2 on-duty cops shot nearby
More proof campuses are blind to reality.