Articles by Jennifer Kabbany
You are viewing page 98 of 315
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues College to host ‘deconstructing whiteness’ and ‘women of color’ racial restorative justice groups
Keene State College in New Hampshire seeks to build community.
Bias Curriculum K-12 Education Students would chant to Aztec god of human sacrifice under proposed Calif. ethnic studies curriculum
Students seek revolutionary spirit through incantations, according to reports.
Bias Legal White Privilege ‘Whitest Law Schools Rankings’ researcher calls for end to ‘excess whiteness’ in law schools
Report can be 'utilized by schools to move to a representative student body.'
Activism Curriculum Racial issues WATCH: Fed up UVermont professor speaks out against antiracism, calls ‘whiteness’ dogma discriminatory
'Please stop telling me my views are harmful just because they're more moderate than yours are.'