Articles by Micaiah Bilger
You are viewing page 13 of 48
Legal LGBTQ U. Michigan employee facing lawsuit after posting pro-women sports content on social media
Former LGBTQA+ staffer alleges manager's 'discriminatory' posts caused 'hostile environment.'
Art and Culture LGBTQ Racial issues UW-Milwaukee art series to host ‘queer metalsmith,’ paid for with student fees
Artist is self-described ‘nonbinary creature maker.’
Feminism K-12 Education Scholars aim to tackle ‘toxic masculinity’ in high school, blame Jordan Peterson
Project will create ‘early intervention programs’ to help teachers end 'misogyny.'
Abortion/Pro-life Feminism Politics Identity of Kamala Harris matters more this election, professor says
‘Race does matter. Gender does matter. … we have not gotten past it.’