Articles by College Fix Staff
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Curriculum K-12 Education Politics High school ‘McCarthyism’ lesson asks about parents’ employment, politics, mental health
Administration claims all students' answers were destroyed.
K-12 Education Racial issues Arizona State U. instructor accuses black DJ at local school event of dressing in … ‘blackface’
Later backtracks a bit: Maybe it was 'the lighting.'
Free Speech Legal LGBTQ University will pay $400K to end legal battle over preferred pronoun mandate
University will pay out $400K in damages to end three-year legal battle.
Politics Racial issues Black Ohio State U. student government parliamentarian: ‘Black people are superior’
'I full-heartedly believe that.'
Free Speech Technology Musk’s free speech plan for Twitter ‘is the dream of every dictator’: UC Berkeley professor
Musk's dream for Twitter 'is the dream of every dictator, strongman, and demagogue.'
Political Correctness Racial issues Alabama professor back at work after costume investigation clears her
The status of her two colleagues remains unknown.