Articles by College Fix Staff
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Activism Racial issues White Privilege U. New Hampshire physics prof gives talk on the ‘Plantation Politics in STEM’
White supremacy is 'embedded in scientific practice'
Activism Racial issues White Privilege Rutgers professor on white people: ‘We gotta take these motherf—ers out’
Later, she called whiteness “an inconvenient interruption” in the history of the world.
Free Speech Racial issues Princeton hosts successful event with professor targeted by cancel culture for diversity critique
MIT backed down from hosting Dorian Abbot.
Political Correctness Racial issues Citing racism, Rutgers removes name of former Supreme Court justice, an alumnus, from building
Bradley was more than just 'a person of his time,' campus leader says.
Free Speech Legal Religion Texas university punished Christian student group that requires leaders to believe in God: lawsuit
Does not apply same rules to other student clubs.