Articles by College Fix Staff
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Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege Cambridge U. to add signs contextualizing the ‘whiteness’ of its Roman and Greek statues
White statues give 'misleading impression' there was no diversity in ancient world.
Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Sports Sociology journal calls for papers that ‘critically examine’ racism in sports development
How to improve the 'outcomes for racial groups facing intersecting oppressions'
Curriculum Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues U. Pittsburgh seeks professor of ‘structural racism’ and ‘oppression’
'Desirable research/teaching interests' should include 'post-colonialism/post-imperialism'
Higher Ed Bubble Sexual Assault Iowa State professor: Trigger warnings are more needed now than ever before
Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor Michael Bugeja, writing in Inside Higher Education, says policies regarding trigger warnings need to be updated because “times have changed.”