Articles by College Fix Staff
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Healthcare Legal University medical ethicists: Unvaccinated people should be barred from public places
Americans do not have a right to 'dine at restaurants, attend shows in a theater, and travel for leisure,' the ethicists argued.
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Critical race theory bigwig says those who oppose COVID lockdowns are like slave owners
'The slaveholder clamoring for HIS freedom to infect, and the enslaved clamoring for OUR freedom from infection'
Anti-Semitism Religion VIDEO: CUNY professor says Muslims will ‘erase’ the ‘filth’ of Israel ‘with the help of Allah’
CUNY is currently in turmoil over an anti-Israel resolution passed by one of its unions.
Abortion/Pro-life Religion Health system refuses to work with Catholic hospitals because they won’t commit abortions
A state senator had urged the board of regents to cut ties.
Higher Education Racial issues University of California system admits fewer Asians at a number of campuses
The percentage of Asian students across the campus system decreased by a percentage point.