Articles by College Fix Staff
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Activism Higher Education Racial issues Group wants prisoners to be eligible for Tufts U. degree because ‘racial and economic justice’
'Aligns with Tufts’ initiative to become an anti-racist institution'
Higher Education Politics Georgia Tech professor indicted for visa and wire fraud involving Chinese nationals
Gee-Kung Chang 'deceived Georgia Tech.'
Analysis Healthcare LGBTQ Study: Mistreatment, ‘heteronormative’ curriculum lead to burnout for gay medical students
'Seeing yourself in the curriculum can really help with mental health'
Activism Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Clemson Democrats trying to ban Fox News personality Tomi Lahren from campus
The Clemson College Democrats are protesting a speech Fox News personality Tomi Lahren is scheduled to give on campus on April 8.
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Washington and Lee U. students stage walkout to demand school name change
'You are holding onto a history that denigrated, enslaved, and committed an entire genocide'
Abortion/Pro-life Activism Free Speech Vandals ransack conservative group’s pro-life display at University of Texas-Austin
All 1,000 small pink flags representing abortion deaths were removed