Articles by College Fix Staff
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A Brazilian college student has admitted to lying about being held hostage by three men for 24 hours. In reality, she was staying with a friend; the kidnapping story was her attempt to avoid an end-of-semester project for a class.
Washington Post higher education writer Jenna Johnson wonders whether newly reinstated UVA President Teresa Sullivan will be able to work with Helen Dragas, the board leader who forced her to resign. After all, shouldn't they hate each other?
Stephanie Wang, an SFPA summer fellow at the Daily Caller, has written a story about Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's proposed bridge to Canada. The bridge would be paid for by federal taxes and a loan from Canada.
What if your university guaranteed that your tuition would not increase during your time there? Instead of raising its fees every year, the university would charge you the same amount for all four years. In California, voters may soon have the power to institute just such a system... Read More
In an interview, Ann Romney said that her husband is considering a woman as vice presidential running mate... Read more