Articles by College Fix Staff
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Beware "The Threateners."
It was feared that the student court wouldn't be able to adjust its evidence standards from "beyond a reasonable doubt" to "a preponderance of evidence," as called for by the federal Office of Civil Rights.
President Obama has said that extending the College Cost Reduction and Access Act is a priority, but Senator Obama didn't even show up to vote when the initial law was passed by Congress in 2007.
The headline says it all: The University of Texas will spend $977,000 hiring a law firm that will defend the university's affirmative action policies before the Supreme Court.
Currently, the reality show star and fallen governor is working in the prison kitchen--washing pots and pans six days a week.
This week the Tennessee state legislature issued a letter of warning, reminding Vanderbilt that the legislature has the right to regulate institutions that, like Vanderbilt, consume millions of dollars in public funds annually... Read More