Articles by College Fix Staff
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Abortion/Pro-life Activism Politics Cornell offers students a ‘vent tent’ to rant about abortion rights
White feminists are realizing 'that silence is no protection in a racist heteropatriarchal system.'
Activism Racial issues Student protesters, citing ‘constant oppressions,’ shut down Marquette’s back-to-school convocation
University to reschedule event, says it supports students of color.
K-12 Education Political Correctness Racial issues School shows video telling students not to call cops if they see a ‘violently racist’ attack
Because cops 'escalate, rather than reduce' violence.
Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Research Professor to give talk on ‘society’s last taboo’ – bestiality – at Australian festival
Prof's 2019 article 'explored the changing ideas about the ‘wrongness’ of such acts.'
Curriculum Higher Education Racial issues University of Maryland seeks ‘anti-racist’ activists for tutoring job
The University of Maryland Writing Center prioritizes 'antiracism' in in its new hires as well as in its self-description.