Articles by College Fix Staff
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Legendary Pennsylvania State University football coach Joe Paterno died on Sunday, the Associated Press reports.
A new group, led by Fix Contributor Kate Havard, a student at St. John's college, seeks to channel the dissatisfaction some Republican voters are expressing with the current slate of presidential candidates into a movement to draft Indiana governor Mitch Daniels.
Student protesters disrupted a meeting of the University of California Board of Regent at UC Riverside yesterday.
A Syracuse University graduate student faced expulsion for something he said on Facebook.
After suggesting that overpaying faculty is one cause of the explosion in tuition costs in the U.S., Vice President Biden has come under fire from college professors who say they aren't overpaid, and that his comments represent a "dangerous myth."
Shouldn't Obama, who ran a campaign promising transparency in office, be willing to release so harmless a thing as his college transcripts? Job applicants are often asked to provide their college transcripts to potential employers. Last we checked, being leader of the free world was the most important job there is.