Curriculum Racial issues Technology ‘Honors video game design’ and ‘queer’ lit among English classes offered by University of Central Florida
English department leans heavily into DEI while ignoring classics.
Abortion/Pro-life Politics Research UC San Diego researchers want ‘tissue’ from 6 month aborted babies: investigation
Years into investigations, pro-life advocates express frustration 'government-sponsored experiments on aborted babies' continue.
Feminism Free Speech Racial issues ‘Highly unprofessional’: Female Asian professor tells students evaluations are biased before they grade her
Student reports University of Illinois professor to bias team for ‘highly unprofessional’ email.
Bias Legal Politics ‘Totally unacceptable’: House Education committee criticizes Dept. of Ed. targeting of Christian colleges
Dept. of Education disputes claim it targets Christian colleges, trade schools.
Financial Aid Higher Ed Bubble Drexel U. lays off 60 staffers due to enrollment drop, ‘flawed’ FAFSA rollout
Declining enrollment and layoffs are part of a larger trend at higher education institutions.