Healthcare Legal Racial issues Philly med school will pursue ‘diverse workforce’ through scholarships, special programs
But medical doctor questions the plans.
Anti-Semitism Cancel Culture Crime U. Delaware investigates possible hate crime after pro-Israel display repeatedly vandalized
Display vandalized three times in a 24-hour span.
Activism Cancel Culture Nearly 5,000 want Kyle Rittenhouse event at Kent State canceled; university backs free speech
Petitions: Rittenhouse ‘controversial figure’ who evokes university’s ‘history of acts of gun violence.'
Feminism Financial Aid LGBTQ Quinnipiac Law scholarship excludes heterosexual males, faces Title IX complaint
‘A law school should know better than to discriminate on the basis of sex,’ scholar responds.
DEI Politics Racial issues Academic paper challenges widely cited McKinsey studies claiming DEI helps businesses
‘Incentives influence research findings,’ business scholar says.
Free Speech Legal Mayo Clinic argues it has legal right to punish professors for voicing unpopular opinions
Mayo Clinic argues its policies do not constitute a contract.
Feminism Research Scholars question study finding ‘prevalence’ of female hunters in ‘forager societies’
Professor criticizes 'simplistic stories.'