Have you missed reading some of the classics of western civilization? You're not alone. Increasingly, students aren't even asked to read many of the books that shaped our intellectual history. In honor of back-to-school season, I'm proposing a list of five key literary classics that every smart person should read.
At the Democratic National Convention, being pro-life makes you no better than a racist, and having any qualms at all about abortion is supposed to be the same thing as judging women "incapable." Apparently, the Democrats don't think the average woman voter is very shrewd.
Yale, along with other leading universities, has used academic freedom as an excuse for abandoning academic standards. But the truth is, Yale does impose values; they just aren't the right ones.
Environmentalism has the moral equivalence of the Civil Rights movement? One frequent guest speaker and so-called ‘environmental superstar’ at universities across the nation implies as much. ... Read More
Penn State dropped its season opener to perennial underdog Ohio, 24-14. Meanwhile, some fans were spotted taking pictures alongside a cardboard cutout of disgraced former coach Joe Paterno. Apparently, some Penn State fans still haven't come to grips with Paterno's role in covering up the sex abuse crimes of Jerry Sandusky.
Latino professors and activists converge in El Paso to reignite the La Raza political movement, and "paint the White House brown"... Watch the Video