Like many universities before it, Vanderbilt is trying to open Christian student groups to leadership by non-Christians, and they’re doing so in the name of “nondiscrimination” and even “civil rights” — explicitly comparing Christian groups to segregationists. The reality, of course, is that Vanderbilt is trying to force the orthodox Christian viewpoint off campus. The “nondiscrimination” rhetoric is mere subterfuge... More
A lower court had charged Virginia Tech $55,000, but this ruling overturns that fine.
The apology editorial mentions that the cartoonist, Stephanie Eisner, no longer works for the paper.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has released its annual list of colleges with the worst records on protecting free speech... More
A bill that would permit people with concealed-carry licenses to bring guns on Arizona campuses is no longer being considered.
Princeton Review has sold its standardized test preparation business to a private equity firm, the Wall Street Journal reports.