"The goal of Israel Apartheid Week is to paint Israel as an apartheid state, when in fact, it is the only successful thriving democracy in the Middle East."
In an essay in Time, Heather MacDonald explains how racial preferences work against the very people they are supposed to help: A body of empirical research has emerged showing that racial preferences can hurt their purported beneficiaries by catapulting them into schools for which they are inadequately prepared. Placed in classrooms pitched above their current level of knowledge, they learn less than they would if they were among peers whose academic skills more closely mirror their own... More
That's the title of a new paper written by two Law professors at Emory University. They argue that deans of law schools may have committed felonies by providing false information about their programs.
"Some would say that you Rickrolled us."
The Michigan primary is shaping up to be a pivotal contest in the Republican campaign. College Fix Assistant Editor and Michigan native Robby Soave shared his thoughts on the primary in The Michigan View's All-Star Symposium.