Editors’ Corner
The fact that the left-wing media is placing almost zero pressure on Obama to release his college transcripts, while talking about Romney's old tax records week after week, shows just how little objectivity they have in covering this race.
Columbia and NYU have undertaken debt-leveraged expansion projects totaling more than $6 billion. They are unaware that investing hundreds of millions of dollars to build additional physical space is retrogressive -- like building a factory for horse-drawn carriages at the dawn of the automobile era
For instance, you didn't know that Cruz's father was a Cuban immigrant who came to the U.S. with $100 sewn into his underwear.
If we are going to pump billions of tax dollars into higher education, we need to make sure that we are getting our money's worth. So long as we are allowing that money to go to for-profit colleges, I'm not sure we ever will... Read More
A major scandal is raging at UNC, where the former chair of the African-American studies department was revealed to be running phony classes for football players, which required little or no academic work... Read More
Did James Holmes, the suspect in the Aurora, Colo., theater shooting, buy his bloody bullets with your hard-earned tax dollars? It looks that way.