Editors’ Corner
These days, the agenda of the academic elite can be boiled down to a few liberal buzzwords: diversity, activism, tolerance, and open-mindedness.... More
If you listened to the president's State of the Union address Tuesday evening, you may have been confused.
The conservative world lit up with delight Thursday night when Newt Gingrich gave CNN's debate moderator, John King, a good ol' fashioned rhetorical thumping on live television. But were Republicans wise to stand up and cheer when Gingrich suggested that CNN had no right to question him about his marital history? I suggest not.
Newsweek's cover story this week, "Why are Obama's Critics so Dumb?" has grabbed a lot of attention due to its crass, uncharitable, and misleading headline. Seemingly on cue, an Occupy D.C. crowd of more than 1,000 amassed outside the gates of the White House last night, and someone threw a smoke bomb at the building.
This week, Tim Tebow told reporters that more than one Republican presidential candidate has called to request his public endorsement. A brand new phase of the presidential primary has begun. You thought Iowa and New Hampshire were big. Those are nothing compared to the Tebow caucus.