We know college students are famous for throwing keggers – but that’s just been taken to a whole new level.
San Diego State and UC San Diego have announced they will offer beer brewing classes starting this summer.
Don’t get us wrong – The College Fix supports this endeavor, because it actually teaches a viable trade as opposed to that rhetorical and often useless rubbish students are often exposed to in liberal arts classes.
“From just eight craft breweries in the U.S. in 1980 to over 1,900 nationwide today, craft and microbrewing has developed into a multi-billion dollar industry,” notes UC San Diego officials. “San Diego is contributing to the growth of the brewing trade with more than sixty local breweries in operation and many more in the planning stages. The key to having a career in this thriving business is to gain the essential training and knowledge necessary to excel in this specialized field.”
Enter the university, useful classes, teaching a trade, and opportunities fester like a fermenting barrel of – you guessed it.
“Taught by leading professional brewers and other industry experts, the UC San Diego Extension Brewing program is unique because it’s a part-time, evening/weekend program that offers an authentic career path for entry-level brewing professionals at a reasonable cost and rate of completion,” campus officials say.
Yes, students must be 21 or older to enroll.
San Diego State University, in touting its new craft brew classes, cited the myriad of fields the talents can be applied: “Brewing, packaging, engineering, maintenance, information technology, supply chain logistics, management, finance, sales, marketing.”
Marketable, vocational skills. What a nice change of pace hailing from the academe.
The program at SDSU launches this fall, and it’s a perfect compliment to the surrounding community.
“This is something San Diego really needs,” says Matt Johnson, general manager, Helms Brewing Co. “When I first started in the industry, it would have been great to go through a program like this. I would have jumped on it.”
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IMAGE: Epiclectic/Flickr

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