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Cal State Charging Students Huge Fees for Courses Tuition is Supposed to Cover

This is an outright scam against students: “California State University campuses are charging students huge fees for something their tuition is supposed to cover — classes,” the San Jose Mercury News reports:

In the past five years, some schools have shifted classes that were covered by tuition to special sessions, where single courses can cost more than $1,000 each, on top of a student’s annual tuition of about $5,500. … Between 2007 and 2012, San Jose State alone cut back regular class offerings for 281 courses while adding more expensive versions funded almost entirely by student fees, according to a critical study of three campuses by California’s state auditor. …

Decades ago, Cal State created its “extended education programs,” which offer the special classes, for job training and enrichment — not for full-time college students. But by last summer, more than 57,000 college students took the special courses — 17 times the number who took them in 2008. …

Some students sued in 2010, arguing that state law prohibited replacing, or “supplanting,” regular classes with the special ones. CSU won the case … CSU administrators say the courses are merely optional, not required. Students don’t always feel they have a choice.

Let’s call this like it is – university leaders are fleecing students and, given the never-ending ratcheting up of tuition costs, it’s really quite shameless.

Read the full article.

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.