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Catholic DePaul University coaxes students via Twitter to get involved in LGBT events

DePaul University, a Catholic college, used its Twitter account to promote the school’s involvement in the Chicago 2015 Pride Parade and the Chicago Dyke March.

One tweet read “Will you be at the #GayPrideParade today?”

Another tweet announced that the school was giving out free t-shirts to wear at the parade, which said on them “What are you doing for justice?”

Catholic Education Daily reports:

They [the t-shirts] were provided by DePaul’s LGBTQA Student Services, an official organization dedicated to supporting “student diversity, specifically relating to sexuality and gender identity.”

The University also tweeted a link to a Slate article from a professor of constitutional and administrative law at the DePaul University College of Law. In the article, the professor claimed that the Supreme Court “got it right” by legalizing same-sex marriage.

DePaul University is a Catholic institution, founded by the Vincentians. According to its mission statement, the University “accepts as its corporate responsibility to remain faithful to the Catholic message drawn from authentic religious sources both traditional and contemporary.”

But DePaul has repeatedly conflicted with its Catholic identity through support of groups and events inconsistent with Church teaching, including transgender workshops and student mentor programs that encourage alternate genders and gender pronouns. In May, the Newman Society also identified DePaul as one of the eight Catholic colleges hosting “lavender graduations.”

DePaul’s student newspaper, The DePaulia, reported that “[t]his is the second straight year that DePaul’s LGBTQ Student Services is organizing a contingent of DePaul students to march in the parade,” joined by “student groups such as Act Out DePaul and Spectrum DePaul.”

Patrick Pfohl, the vice-president of Act Out DePaul, said “We are the largest Catholic university in the nation, and we have a strong and thriving queer community and LGBTQAI+ program.”

Read the full article.

h/t to EAG News.org

RELATED: Catholic university DePaul adds ‘Queer Peers’ mentorship program

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.