This is a cool story – a 22-year-old University of South Florida student has recently completed a nearly three-month trek on foot across America.
The Tampa Tribune reports that with nothing much more than a stroller full of supplies and a sign on his back, “America on Foot,” Harrison Milanian walked from Tallahassee to Laguna Beach.
“I’m Harrison Milanian and I just walked across America to inspire and encourage others,” he says on his Facebook page. “If there’s anything you take with you from viewing this website, I hope it is this: Life is beautiful – enjoy it. Nothing is impossible. Keep trying. Fitness is critical to well-being. America is still a bad ass country to live in.”
And Second Amendment proponents take note – here’s some vindication – at one point in his travels Milanian likely saved his life from a gang of harassing thugs thanks to the concealed firearm he carried during his journey.
He left Florida on May 7 and finally jumped with joy into the Pacific Ocean – some 3,000 miles away – on July 28, according to the Tampa Tribune, which chronicled his story in an article:
At first, he took back roads, but they often veered out of the way, adding more steps to his journey. So he stuck to major highways, occasionally interstates. There, more people would see him and the sign on his back advertising his website, www.facebook.com/americaonfoot. “The more eyes on me,” he said, “the better.” …
Relying on the kindness of strangers, Milanian found they were willing to give. His Facebook views and likes began to take off, and all along the way, he was offered lodging by strangers. People would stop and give him water and treat him to dinners.
“I took no money with me at all,” he said. “It was a test for myself. This was like a rite of passage for me. It was a challenge for me and it was a challenge for my countrymen. I was walking across America and I didn’t bring anything with me.”
And his countrymen answered the call, he said. As an example, he said he wore through five pairs of shoes that were given to him along the way. …
(Not all went perfect, however). … In Albuquerque, N.M., he was approached by a half-dozen members of a street gang … They got belligerent, refusing to let him pass. … “I have a concealed weapons permit,” was all (Milanian) would say, “And I took care of the situation. I let them in on a little secret. I was carrying.”
… And then there was the scenery. Spectacular vistas in the deserts and the mountains, the small towns and big cities.
“Our country,” he said, “is so beautiful.”
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