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Don’t dare inquire about an acronym (and laugh) at U. of Michigan

A University of Michigan student was booted off the Residence Staff (ResStaff) for inquiring about the meaning of an acronym … and then giggling when someone offered up a joke about it.

When ResStaff members were involved in a GroupChat, “Chris” asked what the “BBW” meant in a (black female) fellow ResStaff member’s chat handle.

This query was called “inappropriate” in a subsequent disciplinary hearing.

The Michigan Review reports:

Two weeks later, after another follow-up disciplinary meeting, the student’s ResStaff contract was terminated in a letter claiming ineligibility due to a class requirement technicality that, according to the student, had been resolved more than a month prior.

But even in the termination letter, the hall directors couldn’t help but reference the incident, telling the student to learn “how to better manage your involvements and to hold yourself accountable for your actions.”

A fellow member who jokingly replied to the student’s question about the acronym with “bad baby walrus” was also called in for a disciplinary meeting, but was not let go. The student himself was also reprimanded as being “racist” for laughing at the joke.

Noticeably absent from any sort of discipline? The woman herself, who vulgarly insulted the student as “f*cking stupid and disrespectful” and threateningly vowed “If we have a problem the next time I see you, DON’T be surprised.”

Following the abrupt termination of his contract with ResStaff, the student was left without housing and has had to move back home with his parents and complete the near half hour commute to and from class every day.

“Chris” fired off an angry email about the incident, chastising ResStaff:

“(ResStaff) isn’t an inclusive place or even a welcoming place. It’s a place where you must all adopt the ‘accepted’ opinion to be included. I wouldn’t recommend joining ResStaff to anyone. Good luck to everyone. I’m sure there will be much discussion and many meetings about this email.”

Read the full article.

h/t to College Insurrection.

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.