The Orange County Register newspaper has chided the University of California Student Association board – which represents all 233,000 students enrolled in the UC system’s 10 campuses – for approving a resolution earlier this month that calls on the system’s leaders to financially divest from the United States.
Student governments across the 10-campus University of California system have developed a persistent urge to stray from their apparent mandates of seeking new ways to make students pay ever-rising activity fees, and weigh in on issues in which they have little involvement. … [Now they want to divest from America].
That’s right, America. While the resolution makes some fair points about crowded U.S. prison systems and the questionable ethics of using drones to kill suspected enemies, lumping the U.S. – and Israel – in with nations that routinely violate fundamental rights, while failing to mention far more egregious violators, like much of the Arab world, is certainly a sophomoric stretch.
If UC student government leaders truly believe businesses should shun the United States over its rights record, they should lead by example and shun Pell grants, federally backed student loans, research grants, loan-forgiveness programs and all other forms of student aid offered by the repressive U.S. government.
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