In yet another instance of a fake hate crime, a 14-year-old African-American student has been disciplined for sending a threatening tweet to her high school under the Twitter handle “@KoolkidsKlanKkk.”
The message read “We’re planning to attack tomorrow.”
CBS Baltimore reports that when police began investigating, they discovered the account “used similar language to a racial petition that had been passed around Anne Arundel High School” by a group called “Kool Kids Klan.”
After working with the social media giant, authorities were able to track down the person responsible.
That person has been identified as a 14-year-old African American female who attends Arundel High School.
Authorities interviewed the girl while she was with her parents, and police say she admitted to creating the Twitter account and sending the threatening tweet.
She was charged with a juvenile citation for disruption of school activities and released to her parents.
“It makes me really upset. I can’t believe that students would write something like that,” said parent Michelle Fitzurka.
“I kind of felt unsafe at the school and a little hurt,” said Taylor Nash, a freshman at Arundel High.
The school district said all the students involved in that incident were disciplined, but the students were not identified, and to complicate an already tense situation, Wednesday night hundreds showed up for a meeting at the school, but some parents still had questions.
A parent in the video portion of the report says the district informed those gathered that students involved in the matter would not be returning to the school.
However, a spokesperson for Anne Arundel Public Schools said federal law prevents the district from releasing information about the specific disciplinary measures taken against the students. (My understanding of FERPA — The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act — is that the school could release the disciplinary measures taken against the offenders, as long as the names of the students were protected.)
In a letter sent home, Arundel Principal Gina Davenport asked parents “to talk to your child about these events because those conversations are crucial to our ability to continue to move forward.
“We will be having those same conversations in our classrooms […]”
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