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Fugitive Valdosta State student sends vile, racist ‘ultimatum’ to press

The story just gets … more bizarre for Valdosta State’s Eric Sheppard.

First, he led an American flag-stomping protest which prompted a rescue by a military veteran; then, Sheppard was seen threatening people outside of the college’s library.

But just prior to the latter, he had allegedly dropped a backpack containing a gun and two clips.

Sheppard has been on the run ever since.

A few days ago, the troubled student sent The Valdosta Daily Times a “memorandum ultimatum” which, among other things, calls for the death of all white people, including “faggots” and “lesbians.”

Sheppard remains bitter, it seems, about the official results regarding the death of Kendrick Johnson of Lowndes High School more than two years ago.

When my People descend upon that Hellish pit on May 23rd for commemoration of Kendrick Johnson’s life and if they are met with even the slightest inclination of resistance by any pale skinned beast or aid they are more than Justified to Take your Head and post it on a stake for the Entire world to See.

Many still question the possibility of my surrendering to the people who call themselves ‘authorities.’ To give you a simple answer, No. I will not turn myself over to any white man.

These same people who you all know as “legal officials/police officers/sheriff/detectives” or any other falsified label of ‘authority’ only know wickedness and devilish behavior. It SHOULD be clear by now that this is a White Supremacist Nation Owned, Operated, and Controlled by White People. Yes it is ALL white people who help to maintain this wicked nation to a greater or lesser degree given the default status aided to them by virtue or vice of White Privilege. Thus all functionalities, codes, rules, policies, curriculums, cultures and social criteria created or concocted therein are Meant to Benefit Whites ALONE AND EXCLUSIVELY! The recent yet ongoing hideous & disgusting rash of white supremacist brutality (police brutality) as well as All other forms of European Aggression on Afrikan people here in Amerikkka; as well as the emanating circumstances that have precipitated into a sick/vile pattern show CLEARLY that “white” people can and will escape Just Punishment (Justice) so long as it is In alignment and Cooperation with the White Supremacist Agenda of Afrikan Genetic Annihilation of ANY form.

Read the rest of the “ultimatum” and view a brief video from Sheppard.

h/t to Instapundit.

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.