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Gasp! Donald Trump’s U. of Pennsylvania classmates ‘have no memory of him’

We all know that “The Donald” is a tailor-made gift to the mainstream media in whatever role he’s playing, but especially so now that he’s an official candidate for president.

Nick Vadala at Philly.com jumps on a New York Daily News article whose author spoke with some of Trump’s former classmates at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

And guess what? The classmates don’t remember him. (Everybody open their eyes really wide now in shock and surprise.)

“He was not known on campus for any reason at all,” Wharton classmate Nancy Hano said.

“I was one of only five or seven girls in the whole school. Only the smart guys would sit next to the girls because they knew the girls were bright. We never knew about him,” said Hano, now 68 and living in Riverdale in the Bronx.

“I have no memory of him whatsoever,” Stanton Koppel, another Wharton classmate, said.

“No one remembers him,” another former classmate, Dennis Wilen, said Tuesday.

And note the clever wordplay here regarding the claim that Trump was first in his class at Wharton:

Not only that, but Trump’s former classmates claim that Trump was not the top-ranking student in his class, as often has been claimed. In fact, one classmate says there wasn’t even a ranking to determine that apparent fact.

But has Trump made that claim? If you follow the link in the quote above, the story says “The [2011 Salon.com] article also points out that Trump has happily allowed the media to report that he graduated first in his class from Wharton, including in New York Times stories in 1973 and 1976 about him.”

“Happily allowing the media to report” something that might not be accurate isn’t exactly the same thing as making the claim yourself now, is it?

Look, there’s plenty about which to castigate The Donald, but now we’re in ridiculous territory. It’s akin to tracking down anecdotes of Mitt Romney’s high school “bullying” antics.

Meanwhile, there’s still plenty we don’t know about the college years of the man who’s inhabited the White House the past six and a half years.

It’s going to be a “fun” campaign season, folks!

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IMAGE: Honest Reporting/Flickr

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.