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George Washington U. freshman dorm ‘privilege display’ expands term’s definition even further

A freshman dorm at George Washington University informs certain demographics of their “privilege” — merely because of that demographic.

The Young America’s Foundation is reporting that the dorm’s display of six posters “targets Christians, police, men, heterosexuals, [and] ‘cisgendered’ people.”

“[O]ne poster reads, ‘Are you confident that the police will protect you? If so, you have white privilege. #CheckYourPrivilege.’”

From the article:

Another says, “Can you use public bathrooms without stares, fear, or anxiety? If so, you have cisgender privilege. #CheckYourPrivilege.”

“Do you expect time off from work to celebrate your religious holidays? If so, you have Christian privilege. #CheckYourPrivilege,” claims another.

In response, GW freshman Diego Rebollar, a member of GW YAF’s executive board, told Young America’s Foundation, “It’s unfortunate that the RA chose to use that space to promote her far left ideology instead of addressing real campus issues. The role of an RA is to advise students on campus issues, not promote their radical ideology.”

MORE: Public university to host whites-only student retreat on ‘white privilege’

These posters imply, among other things, that non-white Americans should not be confident the police will protect them, that Christians are the only religious group who should expect time off for religious holidays, and that all men always feel comfortable walking home alone at night.

The YAF’s Emily Jashinsky takes particular issue with the police display:

“Not only are those claims unnecessarily divisive, they’re incorrect.

“The vast majority of American police officers put their lives on the line every single day to protect citizens of all races—that poster is particularly objectionable.”

Read the full article.

MORE: Prof: ‘Secret Life of Pets’ movie showcases white privilege

MORE: ‘Racial justice educator’ to enlighten Jews about their ‘white privilege’

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(“Privilege display” images courtesy of the YAF.)

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.