Every day it seems folks like funny man Chris Rock and anti-feminist provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos are proven right in that nobody – in particular college students – can take a joke.
Especially a crude one.
Case in point: At Georgetown University’s Hoya Snaxa convenience store, somebody was trying to be a comedian and put up a couple of homemade signs on two slushie machine flavors. They read “rust under your unused vagina” and “remnants of Bruce Jenner’s peen.”
Cue the unbridled outrage.
“Blatant transphobia” and “absolutely disgusting,” wrote student Reuben Atkins on Facebook.
“When I saw it, before we even got into the part of it that was oppressive and transphobic, it was just like, ‘This is so unprofessional,’” Atkins said. “Who thought this was a good idea, and why is this an advertising technique to sell their slushies?”
“Everyone who walked in there, or at least most people, had to have seen it,” Atkins said. “It’s a little bit shocking that not only did that employee put it up but the other employees working with them thought it was ok and also the rest of the Georgetown community that walked through those doors saw it and didn’t say anything.”
K Mee (COL ’17), who posted Atkins’ photo to The [Georgetown] Corp’s Facebook page, said the signs were triggering.
“I wonder how long they were up for. It could be triggering for survivors of sexual violence. It takes away the choice for people who identify as asexual to not have sex by judging them for their rust or whatever, and obsessing over the transition of trans people versus recognizing that they face a lot of systemic issues,” Mee said.
RELATED: Why comedian Chris Rock stopped doing standup on college campuses
Mee said it is important to understand the underlying causes that led to the incident.
“For me it’s not really about the individual, whoever did it. It’s more that I don’t know what kind of culture The Corp is cultivating to first be transphobic and offensive and then being unprofessional,” Mee said. “I would be interested in learning about their internal affairs and how they deal with cultural competency within their employees.”
Atkins said The Corp should use the incident to start a larger dialogue on educating its employees about diversity.
The director of Hoya Snaxa, Michael Saxon, emailed an apology to Atkins which the latter then put on Facebook (this looks to be it although the name has been blacked out).
Atkins responded that it was “below the bare minimum” to just remove the signs, saying that the employees should go through some sort of diversity training.
“I’d prefer The Corp to engage in something that educates as opposed to hiding the oppressive ideology these people hold.”
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