There’s probably a comedian out there who can come up with a good joke about the recent news that Harvard University tapped the fired CNN anchor Brian Stelter to teach its students about journalism and hired the failed ex-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to teach its students about politics.
But for those paying $75,000 a year to attend the Ivy League school, it wouldn’t be that funny.
At one point, decades ago, Harvard was the best university this nation had to offer. But today, managers actively avoid hiring from institutions like The Kremlin on the Charles.
“I have no doubt that Ivy League universities attract smart, talented and ambitious kids. But do these institutions add value? My answer is increasingly negative. Dysfunctional kids are coddled and encouraged to nurture grievances, while normal kids are attacked and educationally abused,” R.R. Reno wrote in a wildly popular Wall Street Journal op-ed last summer headlined “Why I Stopped Hiring Ivy League Graduates.”
Harvard is an absolute train wreck. Consider these College Fix headlines from the past few weeks alone:
‘Using the wrong pronouns’ is ‘abuse’: required Harvard training
Harvard student body president under fire for defending Christian group
Harvard paper dedicates regular column to ‘existential threat’ of ‘Christian Nationalism’
Harvard ‘misinformation’ journal sued for defamation, false statements
Less than two percent of Harvard faculty is conservative: survey
Earlier this month, Harvard was ranked among the bottom 15 percent among 200 prestigious universities for free speech by its students, who were surveyed by FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.
Harvard students were asked to “share a moment where you personally felt you could not express your opinion on your campus.” Here’s a sampling of replies:
“I’ve sometimes felt, in discussion sections, hesitation to share controversial opinions for fear that people would jump on me before I even finished explaining my point of view”
“In class, there’s a general feeling that expressing certain political views are something that is simply not done. I’ve broached a topic before with full intention to voice an unpopular opinion, only to hastily backtrack when my overtures were met with great resistance.”
“If the conversation is about religion, it’s difficult to speak with students specifically. I’ve had the experience of other students getting upset over my opinion and ending their friendship with me simply because we don’t have the same belief system.”
Novelist Roger Simon, writing in Epoch Times, asked a question in his recent column “The Ivy League Is Dying—and That’s a Good Thing.”
“Are you so stupid you would send your children to be educated by Stelter for $75,000 per year? … [E]ncourage your children to get their educations locally. Don’t dream of Harvard or Yale, go to the University of Florida or Tennessee. It’s a lot cheaper, and you’ll see them more often,” Simon wrote.
It’s great advice.
Kenny Xu, author of “An Inconvenient Minority,” which exposes racial discrimination against Asian Americans at elite colleges like Harvard, had a similar message to Asian Americans in his 2021 op-ed for The College Fix headlined “Harvard rejects Asian-American applicants; it’s time they reject Harvard back.”
“Instead of fixating on Harvard, Asians should turn their attention to the countless other admirable schools that actually want to accept them and genuinely value them as both students and individuals,” Xu wrote. “… Harvard should not define anyone’s success and it is vital for the Asian community to accept this.”
It’s time for all of America to accept this — and reject Harvard.
MORE: Read more on Harvard in the archives of The College Fix
IMAGE: Gil C. / Shutterstock
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