Lauren Cooley, 22, is a recent grad of Furman College who managed to keep her conservative beliefs intact despite many of her professors’ best efforts. Now she’s dedicated to helping her peers do the same.
Cooley is co-author and editor of a new booklet “Indoctrination Prevention” that highlights 10 topics professors often mislead students about. It offers concise reasons why not to fall for the liberal claptrap.
The information is vital, because leftist arguments sound great and have a strong emotional appeal, and when they come from professors – educators in positions of power who have been pushing their propaganda for decades – it’s easy to fall prey, Cooley said.
That’s where “Indoctrination Prevention” comes in.
“It’s by young people for young people,” Cooley said in an interview with The College Fix. “We have experienced this first hand and have rationalized our arguments with ways that can connect with young people.”
“It basically says, here is the most common themes your liberal professor will teach, and here is how to refute it.”
(Pictured: Lauren Cooley)
For example, it takes on “white privilege” by noting that “white privilege is a presumptuous premise that broadly judges people based solely on their skin color. Accusing someone of having ‘white privilege’ undermines personal struggles and suggests that achievements are only due to race, not individual work ethic.”
It tackles social justice warriors by highlighting their hypocrisy, noting the recent case of how many freaked out when NASA scientist Dr. Matt Taylor wore a shirt with provocative images of women on it, but meanwhile ignored real atrocities.
“While social justice warriors were up in arms over a bowling shirt, women in the Middle East were being brutalized by ISIS and the Taliban,” the booklet notes. “These women are denied access to education, are forced into marriages, have their genitals mutilated, and are threatened with death if they don’t convert to Islam. Nothing is done by ‘social justice warriors’ to help these women.”
On capitalism, the booklet explores the three main ways professors attack it, and explains why they’re off the mark. It also delves into American exceptionalism.
“Your liberal professor … will try to tell you that America is an evil nation – that it has blood on its hands and that it is no greater than anywhere else,” it notes. “While all human life should be held at same value, the success and opportunity that America has created as a country far outweighs any other nation. … Our ability to right our wrongs and heal our wounds is one thing that makes America great.”
Other topics touched on include the war on women, tolerance and environmentalism.
Cooley said the booklet isn’t meant to convince professors, it’s meant to embolden students.
“It’s more about the show you are putting on for the other students,” she said. “They are going to see a different point of view and realize it’s not just black and white.”
The booklet was published by Turning Point USA, a 2-year-old nonprofit that encourages and arms conservative college students with the knowledge and tools needed to battle leftist ideologies. Cooley is a field coordinator for the group, and co-wrote the book along with her fellow campus crusaders. The booklet is free for students, and the organization will pass it out at high schools and colleges nationwide.
“This book was written so that college students can take charge of their education and remain steadfast in their beliefs of free markets, capitalism, and the American dream,” it notes.
The booklet can also be downloaded for free here.
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IMAGE: Turning Point USA
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