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The joy and sorrow of sending a loved one into the lion’s den (aka college)

What went through my mind as my nephew, a high school senior, announced to the entire family during our Thanksgiving feast that he had been accepted to a Division I university on an athletic scholarship was bittersweet.

I smiled as he spoke, his excited eyes and boyish grin telling us of the “Disneyland-like” facilities he’s going to use to grow his athletic talents, and the phenomenal background of the coach who is to become his mentor.

My grin remained as we played our traditional family poker game, and I noticed he had excitedly put on a sweatshirt bearing the name of the state college to which he’d pledged his intent.

But my enthusiasm was perhaps not as strong as it should have been, or could have been, because as editor of The College Fix, I constantly report on how colleges infect and indoctrinate young minds.

And I don’t want that to happen to my sweet nephew.

I noticed his white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair, and felt a pang of sadness knowing his professors and far too many of his peers will judge him by the color of his skin rather than the content of his character. That they will judge him without knowing a damn thing about him.

Nevermind his parents’ genealogy includes Latino, Native American and Middle Eastern descent. Nevermind that his mother and father — both of whom are not college grads — worked their tails to the bone in blue-collar industries to provide everything they could for him — encourage him, nurture him, support his God-given athletic abilities.

Nevermind that this young man has busted his butt on the field, dedicating his nights, weekends, summers – even forgoing prom night! – to strive toward his athletic goals. Or that he’s pushed through so many injuries and played through so much pain I marvel at his fortitude at such a young age.

But what will he be taught by scholars after he arrives on campus? That he “didn’t build that” – he didn’t get to where he is because he and his parents worked hard and sacrificed so much. He’ll be lectured about his “white privilege,” told how easy he’s had it.

I thought of the mandated diversity class he’ll be forced to take that will teach him America is supposedly a racist and sexist country while it ignores or maligns the sacrifices of everyone from the pilgrims and the Founding Fathers to those who died in the Civil War and the Republicans who led the political fight for Civil Rights.

I thought of science classes that will state definitively “there is no God and humans evolved from apes,” or that Earth is on the brink of climate change destruction because of greedy Americans. I pondered political classes that will bash Republicans, and economics classes that will condemn capitalism.

It doesn’t matter what college he’s attending. They’re pretty much all like that.

I wonder, after four years of this crap, if he will know any real truth, or just believe the misleading and destructive narratives of his leftist professors. And I worry.

Our newsfeeds are filled with horror stories about what’s going on at college campuses, and it offers a big picture. But we must also remember this battle is not only for the soul of higher education, but for the souls of the young people we love with all our hearts.

Fight on.

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.