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Major mainstream newspaper catches on, tells campus crybullies to grow up

The Press-Enterprise, a mainstream daily newspaper serving a wide swath of Southern California, has a message for its readers: Crybaby college kids need to grow up!

In an editorial published March 10 titled “Free speech needs campus ‘safe space,'” editors cite as evidence Milo Yiannopoulos’ recent visit to the University of Pittsburgh that made students tear up and accuse his words of being literal “violence,” as well as the near-riot at Cal State LA when Ben Shapiro spoke there earlier this month (students had blocked and tussled up guests). The PE notes:

Such events – and emotional overreactions – are becoming regrettably common on college campuses. …

If students are so fragile that they cannot tolerate contrary opinions, they are in for a rude awakening once they enter the real world and find there are no “safe spaces.”

Universities are supposed to be places of higher learning and the exchange of ideas, but they increasingly are little more than day-care centers and incubators for despots-in-training willing and able to squash the speech rights of all who disagree with them. This explains a lot about our political leadership today, and does not bode well for the future.

It’s a good sign that more and more mainstream news outlets are paying attention to this trend and calling out “safe spaces” and over-emotional students as ridiculous. They join a chorus of voices.

Campus administrators — are you listening?!

RELATED: VIDEO — Violence erupts as protesters block entrance to conservative’s speech at public university

Read the full editorial.

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.