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Middle school student assaulted on school bus for wearing ‘MAGA’ hat, gets suspended

Something you won’t hear about via the Southern Poverty Law Center: A Missouri middle school student was beaten on a school bus because some of his peers did not approve of his “Make America Great Again” hat.

“You want to build a wall? You want to build a f**king wall!?” one of the young assailants asked sixth grader Gavin Cortina just before launching some punches.

EAGNews.org reports Gavin’s mother Christina complained to a local news site that Gavin actually got suspended for his part in the scuffle.

“As a parent it’s so upsetting,” she said. “I feel like my son was made an example of, it was a tricky situation, it was politically charged.

“I saw him being persecuted for having an opinion of his own. I saw him being berated, and bullied and beat, literally beat, because he felt strongly about the world today.”

From the article:

District officials told KMOV all students involved in the incident faced “consequences,” but declined to detail what they were.

“The spokesperson added the Missouri school district was also working to sit all the students down and reach a peaceful understanding about the incident and politics,” according to the Daily Mail.

Gavin isn’t the first student to be attacked by his classmates for supporting the president.

Late last month, Muskegon, Michigan 10-year-old Dallas Johnson wore his MAGA hat to school on Inauguration Day, and was ridiculed and bullied by his classmates for it.

MORE: HS student suspended for refusing to change ‘Hillary for Prison’ t-shirt

“During recess some kids said stuff about (President Trump) and would take my cap off,” Dallas said. “They were saying ‘Trump is gay, Trump is wacked, and take that hat off,’ One kid took it off and ran away with it,” he said. “One of my friends told me, ‘You’re not wearing that hat to basketball practice.’”

The hat, a present from his parents, was a point of pride when he went to school on Inauguration Day, but the bullying took a toll on the student.

“When he got in the car, I said ‘What’s wrong buddy?’” his mother, Dee Johnson, told EAGnews. “He said people kept taking his hat. He was kind of choked up. He said the kids kept saying President Trump was gay, dumb and stupid. I asked if the class has watched the inauguration, and he said ‘no.’”

Wow, you’d think those kids would have to sit through a “tolerance” seminar or something for derisively calling the president “gay.”

As for the young Cortina’s suspension, unfortunately it is not uncommon for all participants in a school-related fracas to suffer the same consequences; in other words, if bullied kids actually fight back, they get punished.

It’s a stupid rule.


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Read the full piece.

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IMAGE: minusequalsplus/Flickr

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.