President Ronald Reagan once noted, “[The] government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” Both the Republicans and Democrats have worked against the American people for too long by endorsing policies and legislation that support Big Government. The government should not dictate every matter in a person’s life, as it fashions dependency, leeching, and lazy tendencies. It is imperative that the newly-elected Republican Congress accord themselves with Reagan’s vision of limited government mentioned above. If Republicans behave like their Democratic compatriots, they will face their untimely undoing unless they return to their conservative roots. That is where the ‘Pledge to America’ comes in.
In comparison to other presidencies, Obama’s has been met with the greatest usurpation of individual rights imaginable. With attacks to free speech, borders, American well-being, and the like, the United States is being attacked by those eager to destroy and pervert it. No prior president opted to radically transform the United States into a third-world nation. No prior president felt inclined to go on a world apology tour and renounce American Exceptionalism.
Unfortunately for Obama, the American people have rejected his socialist agenda and all that emanates from it. Following Obama’s coronation into the White House, the American people formed the Tea Party Movement after seeing err in his policies and conduct as president. Additionally, they grew dismayed with the Democratic Party run by ringleaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid because members of the incumbent party continue to be reluctant when listening to their constituents. The Tea Party Movement burgeoned after continued discontent with Democrats and establishment Republicans continued to ignore their constituents as they clung to ObamaCare, innumerable bailouts, and wasteful spending.
Dismayed with establishment politicians, Tea Party candidates and several Republicans set the precedence for the ‘Pledge to America.’ If elected to office during the 2010 midterm election cycle, successful candidates molded themselves after this pledge and work to restore conservative principles encompassed in limited government, reverence for the Constitution, and respect for the will of the American people.
While many Democrats continue their lackluster ways, Republicans are working to implement the ‘Pledge to America.’ In such, they want to ensure that Obama’s harmful policies are defeated and that the country gets back on the right track. These politicians cannot take America for granted again and be frivolous in their responsibilities. As a result, this pledge vows to uphold the principles mandated by the Founding Fathers to put our elected officials in check.
The Republican ‘Pledge to America’ begins: “America is more than a country. America is an idea – an idea that free people can govern themselves, that government’s powers are derived from the consent of the governed, that each of us is endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America is the belief that any man or woman can – given economic, political, and religious liberty – advance themselves, their families, and the common good.”
Incoming House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and his colleagues championed this pact to outline their agenda for the 112th Congress. Plans to completely repeal ObamaCare in exchange for lower health costs, as with intent to protect and promote American jobs, comprise this pledge. Since the Democrats have failed to uphold and respect the Constitution, the Republicans must take heed on preserving “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” as explicitly stated in the Declaration of Independence.
“And you’ll find plans to return power in the House back to the hands of the people. No more flagrant disregard for the Constitution; no more kickbacks and backroom deals; no more passing massive bills that no one has had a chance to read.”
Boehner continues by highlighting the need for accountability to the American people. Historically, the House of Representatives has been regarded as the “People’s House.” The passage of ObamaCare, stimulus bills, and other heinous legislation evinced carelessness and complete disrespect for citizens. When the ‘Pledge to America’ goes into effect, congressmen and women will be inclined to listen to their constituents, read every piece of legislation handed to them, and not jam taxes down our throats. The carelessness and downright elitist mentality that has clouted Congress must be suppressed, as politicians have grown too comfortable with being permanent agents in Washington, D.C. These representatives work for us, and not the other way around.
“With this document, we pledge to dedicate ourselves to the task of reconnecting our highest aspirations to the permanent truths of our founding by keeping faith with the values our nation was founded on, the principles we stand for, and the priorities of our people. This is our Pledge to America.”
The Republicans in Congress must uphold the virtues and principles laid out by the Founders. They must return to their conservative roots vested in upholding traditionalist viewpoints, limited government, free-market principles, strong national defense, and accountability to individualism. When politicians stray away from these and neglect upholding the Constitution, we get one of the most unabashed anti-American presidents in American history.
The ‘Pledge to America’ provides confidence that the incoming Congressional class will uphold the Constitution and respect those they serve. If they renege on this pledge, such a failure will be evidence of why Americans cannot trust either party. The Republicans promised change for the better during the midterm elections; let us hope they deliver it.
Gabriella Hoffman is the Advertising Manager at The California Review. She studies at the University of California, San Diego, and is a member of the Student Free Press Association.
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