It’s been a banner week for outrageousness and dumbness on America’s college campuses. For some reason all the liberal extremists must have gotten together and planned an entire week dedicated to teaching students bizarre sexual practices. From genderqueer mind control to a “SexEd Warrior Queen”–campuses pulled out all the stops in their effort to undermine the moral sanity of our nation’s college students.
Number 3) We start this week’s outrageously dumb moments at Barnard College in New York City. At Barnard, we’re pretty sure they have been performing the Vagina Monologues pretty much without a break since the play was written 17 years ago. Only this time around, they decided to shake things up. So vaginas of a particular color were not allowed to participate. White girls, to be specific, were not allowed to perform in the play.
I’m not making this up. In case you aren’t familiar with the Vagina Monologues, it consists of a series of women talking about anything that has to do with their delicate lady parts, including sex, masturbation, menstruation, and abortion.
“Barnard-Columbia V-Day is excited to announce that our annual production of The Vagina Monologues will feature an all self-identified women of color cast this year,” producers said. “The Vagina Monologues has historically overlooked the empowerment of women of color, queer women, and trans* folk, among others—often replicating and perpetuating the same systems of power and privilege that prompted the playwright, Eve Ensler, to write The Vagina Monologues in the first place.”
There you have it–the world’s very first production of the new, improved racially segregated version of the Vagina Monologues. What a legacy for Barnard College!
Number 2) If there’s one thing worse than vagina discrimination, then it has got to be the experience of going to work everyday and paying taxes and knowing that all that money is going to pay for butt plugs, vibrators, and bondage toys at your local state university. But that’s just the experience residents of New Hampshire have had, since the University of New Hampshire held it’s “Orchestrating Orgasms” sex workshop this week.
According to reports, the event was led by one Megan Andelloux who calls herself a “SexEd Warrior Queen.” The workshop kicked off with a video of two turtles having sex, followed by a discussion on orgasms, a clitoris demonstration with a vulva puppet, audience-wide Kegel exercises, and sex toy how-to display,” according toThe New Hampshire student newspaper.
“People who participated received vibrators, restraint systems, butt-plugs and other assorted sexual toys,” the newspaper reported. If you live in New Hampshire, now you have one more reason to be disgusted whenever you think about how your hard-earned tax dollars are being spent. Every dollar you pay into the state coffer gets the Warrior Queen Andelloux that much closer to her next vibrator giveaway (Batteries not included.)
I feel the need to say this again: I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP!
Number 1) Finally, we have the case of Jason Morgan, the University of Wisconsin grad student who was hailed by sensible people all over the country because he had the guts to stand up to the extremist left-wing indoctrination program at his university. He was forced to attend a mandatory session on diversity, where he and everyone else in the room were made to understand, very plainly, that they were racists and all around bad people. Then they were told that it was their responsibility to “encourage students in their sexual experimentation,” especially trans-sexual and genderqueer students.
Morgan responded by pointing out that meddling in his students’ sex lives has nothing to do with teaching Japanese History–his field of choice. “I am not in graduate school to learn how to encourage poor souls in their sexual experimentation, nor am I receiving generous stipends of taxpayer monies from the good people of the Great State of Wisconsin to play along with fantasies or accommodate public cross-dressing,” he wrote.
But you should really read Jason’s entire letter because it’s very well written, so well written that it was even partly reprinted in the Wall Street Journal this week.
After reading all this, you may be wondering why our nation’s colleges are so obsessed with sex, and especially teaching students strange and unusual sexual practices. For a long and thoughtful answer to that question, I suggest you read Rod Dreher’s sobering essay, “Sex After Christianity.”
One thing is certain, you don’t have to look hard at our culture to see that the decades-long project of moral upheaval that began with the sexual revolution has been nothing if not successful. Our colleges and universities have long been a primary battle ground in that ongoing struggle.
Nathan Harden is editor of The College Fix and author of the book SEX & GOD AT YALE: Porn, Political Correctness, and a Good Education Gone Bad.
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(Image by: davecobb/Flickr)
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