The results of Education Next’s 2015 Education Poll show that 51% of the American public and 59% of school teachers do not agree with the Obama administration’s ideas for race-based disciplinary measures for students.
As The College Fix has reported previously, President Obama’s Department of Education adheres to the belief of racial “proportionate representation,” and as such, the fact that black and Hispanic students are suspended and expelled from school in greater numbers than their general population figures is evidence of racial bias.
Schools across the country have been pressured to adopt less … “punitive” disciplinary measures such as “restorative justice” (where kids sit in chat sessions to discuss their problems), and the hiring of “consultants” who blame white teachers’ lack of “cultural sensitivity” for the discipline issues of minority students.
All of which, again, are quite at odds with public opinion, especially that of educators.
Answering the question “Do you support or oppose federal policies that prevent schools from expelling or suspending black and Hispanic students at higher rates than other students?” 51 percent of respondents from the general public opposed the idea. Only 21 percent supported the idea, and 29 percent did not support or oppose, according to the education site.
Among parents, 54 percent opposed, while that figure was nearly 60 percent for teachers. Opposition was even higher among Republicans, at 62 percent, but more Democrats were also in opposition than in support, at 42 percent and 29 percent, respectively.
When broken down by race, 44 percent of Hispanics opposed the federal policies and 31 percent supported them. African Americans were the only demographic showing more support than opposition. Forty-one percent of blacks support Obama’s race-based suspension policy, while 23 percent opposed, according to the data.
Education Next also asked: “Do you support or oppose school district polices that prevent schools from expelling or suspending black and Hispanic students at higher rates than other students?”
The results were similar, though more folks opposed.
A mere 19 percent of the general public support race-based suspension polices, while that percentage was 20 for parents, 18 for teachers, 36 for African Americans, 24 for Hispanics, 13 for Republicans and 24 percent for Democrats. Opposition stood at 50 percent for the general public, 49 percent of parents, 57 percent of teachers, 35 percent of blacks, 43 percent of Hispanics, 59 percent of Republicans and 43 percent for Democrats.
In St. Paul, Minnesota, a former (black) 14-year teacher in the city’s schools is now running for a seat on the district school board — in order to dismantle what he deems harmful programs like “restorative justice.”
“You are not doing kids any favors by making excuses for them because they are black,” Aaron Benner says. “It’s not a matter of culture if you’re talking about norms that all cultures need to abide by – you cannot throw things or attack your teacher, regardless of your race.”
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