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Professor: Drinking Large Sodas is ‘Like Drunk Driving’

Here at The College Fix, we’ve been faithfully documenting the left’s relentless war on soft drinks.

This week, an NYU professor compared drinking large soft drinks to drunk driving:

In an op-ed in the New York Daily News on Friday, Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at NYU, has attempted to turn the debate about Bloomberg’s sugary-drink ban on its head. The supporters of the ban, she claims, are the true champions of liberty. Her piece is entitled “Liberty from big soda.”

She writes, “So-called ‘nanny-state’ measures — like bans on driving while drunk, smoking in public places and, now, selling absurdly large sugary drinks — help to level the playing field. Such measures are about giving everyone an equal opportunity to live a safer and healthier life.”

Sounds like typical attitudes of the academic left. Government control? Check. Abdication of personal responsibility? Check.

Too bad for professor Nestle because today a New York court struck down Mayor Bloomberg’s large soda ban, ruling it unconstitutional.

Go celebrate with a 32 oz. soda, America! Your liberty to drink will live on for another day.

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