The Syracuse University LGBT Resource Center invited “queer transgender activist” Evan Greer to deliver a workshop this past Wednesday titled “Queer Liberation and Environmental Justice.” In it, Greer claimed “global capitalism is the single greatest threat to basic human rights.”
The activist is a musician and songwriter, and campaign director for the digital rights non-profit Fight for the Future.
The Daily Orange reports that as part of Greer’s exercise, she used “examples of queer opposition and environmental justice to do a group brainstorming session” which ended up “blurring the lines between the two topics.”
Students noted the session “allowed them to connect concepts that seemed initially unrelated.”
Greer identified what she said are three essential steps an individual should take to start a successful campaign. First, highlight the root causes of the problem; second, identify the causes behind the problem; and third, connect the dots and start a movement. …
Greer said she believes that despite environmental problems and queer community oppression, society is moving in a positive direction.
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“It’s amazing to see the movements that are springing up now and how quickly they grow,” Greer said. “I think the Black Lives Matter movement is absolutely revolutionary because it’s empowering so many different people to become leaders.”
The workshop ended with Greer singing songs from her albums about the environment and being a part of the transgender and queer communities.
“The world as we know it is not gonna last forever,” Greer sang. “And these could be the last days so let’s spend them together, and let’s never surrender.”
Indeed! The only real question is which apocalyptic prediction will actually come to fruition.
Not surprisingly, the DO article doesn’t offer a sample of just how Greer connects the apparently disparate concepts of queer oppression and environmental justice, nor how capitalism is such a danger to our freedoms.
Her website doesn’t provide much insight either.
MORE: University to offer ‘Green Lives Matter’ environmental justice class
MORE: Professors argue capitalism abuses poor minorities through pollution
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IMAGE: minusequalsplus/Flickr
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