Professor of Political Economy John E. Murray of Rhodes College is not happy with the hiring of Zandria Robinson, the professor who made several anti-white tweets over the last week or so.
Rhodes announced Wednesday that Robinson had been hired for its anthropology and sociology department, “calling her an expert ‘in the areas of race, class, gender, culture, and the South.’”
On Thursday, in an interview with National Review, Murray said
I can tell you in part why I think some of the faculty, at least some of my friends, are a little upset about this. Whatever the students said on Yik Yak – if they were in fact students – doesn’t really sound like it’s all that different from what Robinson said on her Twitter feed. On one, the college gets flak for being racist, in the other case, the lady gets a job.
Faculty unsettled by the hiring “[are] in the minority, and there isn’t a whole lot we can do about it,” he says. “It does seem kind of crazy that we’re inviting a person to come teach on our faculty who seems to dislike a chunk of our students.”
Regarding Yik Yak, Murray says that Rhodes “has been pushing hard for intense social-justice related reforms since last August” after some — or someone — had made racist comments on the social media platform.
“Hiring Robinson,” Murray says, “seem[s] like a perverse way” to combat racial insensitivity.
Read the full National Review article.
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