To hear Karl Rove tell it, the presidential candidate who wins in Pennsylvania tends to win the presidency.
That could be why the former senior adviser to President George W. Bush was in town Friday afternoon. Rove was the keynote speaker at Centre County Republicans’ 2011 Lincoln Day Gala, held at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel and attended by more than 300 people.
Before giving his address at the gala, Rove took time to speak with the press in a question-and-answer session, where he spoke about the 2012 election. Rove said he was happy to be back in Centre County for the second time in two years. He last came to State College in 2009 as a part of the Penn State Distinguished Speaker Series.
The former deputy chief of staff under President Bush answered questions about the 2012 elections, Pennsylvania’s importance in the presidential election, and the healthcare bill passed in November.
Pennsylvania is a battleground state, Rove said, and the mood of voters country-wide is often reflected in the Keystone State.
Read the full story at the Penn State Collegian.
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