…for acting like a liberal:
On his radio show Monday afternoon, host Rush Limbaugh explained his motivation for apologizing to Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University student he had referred to as a “slut” and a “prostitute” over her testimony regarding birth control.
Limbaugh said his apology — which he posted online over the weekend — was sincere and “heartfelt.”
“I don’t expect, and I know you don’t either,” he told listeners, “morality, intellectual honesty from the left. They’ve demonstrated, over and over, a willingness to say or do anything to advance their agenda; it’s what they do. It’s what we fight against here every day. But this is the mistake I made: in fighting them on this issue last week, I became like them.”
“That was my error,” he reiterated. “I became like them. And I feel very badly about that.”
He conceded that the words he used against Fluke had been inappropriate and uncalled for, and that they distracted from the larger point he had been trying to make about the issue of birth control. “And I again sincerely apologize to Miss Fluke,” he added, “for using those two words to describe her.”
Read the rest of the story at Mediaite.
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